Today was around 53 degrees......pretty, and I started using Accelerated Math......with students.....needless to say, I need to go back to college for an Tech Degree now for this software program!! HELP!
Anyway, many more positive things have taken place. For one, yes, I miss my Mama, Rick, Mary Ann and Big home, my country road, Tennessee, ....even the smell of the daycare! The kids there....the kids at East.....but I am to explore this idea, realization of a bigger thing....I thought I was always meant to implore!
I've experienced a beautiful sunset, trees changing, sweet people. Cooper went home with Max tonight to sleep over, Brock and I enjoyed some time together this afternoon and even made it for a little bit of a field hockey game (10 minutes)....our first ever. Several of my students play, and wanted me to see them! I also got a chance to meet a couple of more parents, too!
Hillary and Ava rode the bus home to her house this afternoon.....Morgan then took them all to Wellwood Orchard to get apples and visit the petting zoo! What a special treat!! Which, by the way, I just made rice krispy treats and Ava is the only one up to enjoy them with me! Hillary was conked!
I got all of Vandy's items for winter.....he is set up with a good warm bed, and I think we have it figured out for now. Snow tires are next......whew!
Brock had all A's (one B+) on his progress report.......:) but he says he will retest on the B+ to get an A.....Brock's team won on Wednesday night against Woodstock!!! First win.....all were pumped!!!!
Tomorrow the SHS Cosmo's take on Mill about IRONY was there we saw our first Vermont high school football game ....when we were thinking about the big dream of moving up here three years ago.....made friends with Arthur and tomorrow Gary will face his son! Small world. Even more strange....his name is Tucker!
I listen to country more seems to remind me of home.....and especially this one:
Weird how that works.....I miss horseback riding, stacking hay on a hot June day....spending time with my animals.....(when I did)......a sense of place.....that binds you to the land kind-of-way.
I like this quote: "Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the color of the wind" - Maxwell Bodenhoim
We try to create the words to describe something so powerful to explain in written word....that's what artists are always trying to create .......pretty unique and thoughtful way to provoke that expression.....
What did I miss? I live further in the North and last Friday I missed seeing the Northern Lights over Vermont.....just look was taken here!!!! I looked outside, but didn't see it! Not in the right spot for viewing obviously!
This morning......on my way to school, Brock and I encountered a student had wrecked on the side of the road (bicycling to school). He was a student at Riverside, and I recognized him.....REGARDLESS,,,,I yelled from the window, :You OKAY?" He replied, "NO"----I stopped immediately to see about him and pull him from his bike and then others followed......he ended up being sent to the hospital to be checked out for a full evaluation.
only here for future....I want to do a wall in TN like day. |
Coop got a sweet surprise in the mail from his friends back home..... |
Brock's Woodstock game..... |
After game |
Hillary's box of clothes's Christamastime!! |
On our way on the bus to the OPEN HOUSE to get the grand tour and spaghetti supper! |
Latest ad..... |
First ever field hockey game.... |
Girls being silly :) |
Their little 'dress alike' day - Nana bought these shirts for the girls.... |