Quotes on Hope struck me at church today..........let's see if they strike you :)
"When the world says Give up.....Hope whispers try it one more time"
"Out of difficulties grow miracles"
"Never lose hope you never know what tomorrow will bring"
"Even the tiniest of hopes can show me the way to arrive at my goal"
"In all things, it is better to hope than to despair"
Snowing today.......My mother just attended a funeral of a family member today.....I remember her well.... (also a cousin of ours)..she passed of cancer. Her son had just passed about a year and a half ago. Very sad. I feel so sorry for them.
Today is March 1, 2015. It is snowing as I type and so far March has been quiet. But, another snow storm (small) will come through tomorrow. Yesterday was a great day to just relax and be 'present' with the kids. We watched a movie......wait for it.......Spongebob! Yes, it was a nice day out.
Basketball has ended.....however, Joe and I take the kids (Hillary) over to the gym on Sundays to shoot and practice ball-handling skills. The boys skied today and in a bit we will have supper and they will tell us all their fun adventures! Brock forgot his poles today,,,,,so skied without them! (Like I do)......
Hillary had a 1st grade musical Wednesday night (didn't realize this was a formal event....all the little girls were dressed in dresses, but, oh, not us)......Nevertheless, it was a great performance! Also, Hillary starred in a play at church this morning (Mexico Play). She was a Bishop and a Monarch.
We thought we'd let Vandy out to chase a squirrel....he wanted to oh so bad! When he got out there....barely walk...... |
The play at church |