Well, Columbus Day Weekend.....it's peak here! Apple
Festival will be there soon, too. It is looking so pretty outside my windows right now....and I hope to climb a mountaintop soon!!!! Maybe Ascutney or Camel's Hump! I love this time of year....but there is much to do...like a squirrel gathering nuts....lol. Snow tires hopefully in the next coming two weeks and oil for the tank soon :) Got it....just got to fill it. Anyway, the days are around 60ish and the kids are doing well.
A very smart, older man I met here when I first landed said, "Keep an open mind" - that's what I am doing. I try to approach life that way - open to experiences with an open mind to take in what is to be learned....
((I miss you, Mama........it's funny I've been in your dreams - yes, maybe that's why I've been so tired, too! lol.
Hope to hike her soon....#camelshump |
They are-a-turn'in red. |
Hilly's sweet letter to her Pappy.... |
Our win - our boys played a game with much heart! Proud for them.....great team camaraderie. |
Sweet Victory!! |
Took a girl home this afternoon......it was rainy.......color was showing....pretty. |
Cooper is deputy at school- he also gets these often.....rewards for behavior.....nice job, Coop- proud of you, tweetie! |
Exercising schedule has been good to this point, but alas, winter will have me scampering for new ideas! I need a treadmill - Kara and I are headed for a FULL marathon before we turn 40!
The sweetest card was left this morning by my kindest and most helpful co-workers, Vanessa and Kim. They left the most thoughtful card .....I feel lucky to work with such helpful, good people and kids. Also, my kids are lucky, there are some wonderful people who have supported them in their transition into this newness.
On another note, Vandy has turned a little cray cray. Our dog, who I thought was easy to care for, has proven to be more difficult than I imagined!
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