Crows call. Cicadas in the distant hum. I sit here on this log at the end of a lane. Thinking. Reflecting. For just this moment, quiet. Leaf fall. Squirrels scurry. Geese fly. Walnut showy of its yellow color. Last hay is baled. Pink sunsets, long shadows. Kids laughing......oh, kids laughing. Did I dare say fighting?.....yes, that happens too. It's September for what natures knows today- An Indian Summer Kind Of Day.
Tonight, dusk....we played basketball and Nana joined us......until dark. It was fun.
This school is one I learned of today. Quite the treat, if I do say so myself.
Oh, to travel to Denmark and Scandinavia and visit these schools, thoughts, perspectives, and ideas. I might one day. Maybe one day soon.......
the seat for those nuances
Hilly and Ava....sunflower posing |
Cleaning that fence..... |
Brock's first season game |
lol Cooper's side game while the real game is going it |
Hello Sheep & Goats |
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